This commercial site is 2.43 acres in size, with approximately 80 meters of Pan American highway frontage, and approximately 123 meters of depth. The lot is about 10 city blocks from the Central Park of San Isidro de El General.\n\nSan Isidro de El General is a city in the canton of Perez Zeledon. The city-proper has around 50,000 residents, while the canton (or county), which is the seventh-largest of Costa Rica\'s 81 cantons, has around 150,000. The area\'s regional hospital is located here, as well as the regional airport. It is in every respect the gateway city to Costa Rica\'s southern zone, one of the country\'s fastest-growing, yet still pristine, areas.\n\nRecent growth developments included the construction of a new Walmart superstore on the outskirts of town. San Isidro\'s airport has recently undergone renovations as part of a nationwide project to renovate key airports throughout the country. In addition, a major expansion is being planned that will make the city\'s airport a major Costa Rica hub for domestic and short-range international flights.\n\nThis commercial site is prime for the construction of a hotel, commercial center, or large store. While San Isidro is home to numerous lodging options, the only \"upscale\" option is the 5-star AltaGracia resort some distance away. San Isidro is in need of premium lodging and this commercial site is the perfect one for it.\n\nPrices per meter squared with frontage along with the Pan American highway range from $200 per meter squared on the outskirts of town, to $500 per meter squared for those closer to the center of town. Prices in or around the city\'s central park range from $1,000 to $2,000 per meter squared. Recently completed sales confirm these metrics.